While we normally chide legislatures and members of Congress for some of their bad ideas, the 2022 legislative session in Minnesota produced a bipartisan, bicameral solution we think should be explored.
State Reps. Hodan Hassan (DFL-Minneapolis) and Peggy Scott (R-Andover) along with their Senate counterparts, Sens. Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake) and Ann Rest (DFL-New Hope) introduced legislation that would “require students to complete a personal finance course for credit during their senior year of high school and a course in government and citizenship in their junior or senior year of high school.”
The requirement would take effect in the 2023-24 school year.
This would likely produce better informed graduates who know more about our state, local, and federal government and are also better equipped to deal with compound interest and would also understand how to build wealth as they launch into adulthood.
This is a real bipartisan win/win idea!
Kudos, to Reps. Hassan and Scott, and Sens. Draheim and Rest!!