Dr. Anthony Fauci testified in June to Congress that he remains hopeful that a COVID-19 vaccine will be available before the end of 2020 or early 2021.
You’d never know this good news, however, by reading Politico or the Washington Post. Their medical “expert”, Ezekiel Emanuel, who also serves as an advisor to Joe Biden, says that the newly developed COVID-19 vaccine might not be 100% effective against preventing everyone from getting the disease.
Once again, politics is getting in the way of science and medicine.
We cannot let the perfect become the enemy of the good as scientists around the world work on developing a vaccine that will save lives and restore prosperity to our county.
Scholar Merrill Matthews penned this excellent response: “Drug makers are doing their best to come up with an effective vaccine in record time.
It may not be perfect, but it will likely be a lot better than what we have right now – which is nothing.”
You can read this excellent analysis HERE.