FFM’s release was featured in the Daily Caller. The article discussed the release of our most recent report on tax out-migration. Be sure to check out the article (below and online), and go to our website for a free download of our report.
‘Tax birds’ join ’snow birds’ in migrating from Minnesota to states with friendlier tax climates
By Freedom Foundation of Minnesota | Published: 10:43 PM 02/10/2010
ST. PAUL, MN—Thousands of Minnesotans are moving to states with more competitive tax rates, costing state and local government hundreds of millions of lost tax revenue at a time of historic budget deficits, according to a report released today by the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota.
“This study is the first of its kind that looks at where Minnesotans are going and what happens to state and local revenue when they vote with their feet and move to a state with lower taxes and higher temperatures,” said Annette Meeks, CEO of the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota. “While we can’t do much about the climate, the legislature must do something to make Minnesota a place where people believe they can find a better job, a higher quality of life and, importantly, a competitive tax rate to start or grow a business.”