Long-time readers of this Freedom Foundation of Minnesota (FFM) missive will recall our first report issued over 10 years ago examined the abject failure and absurd reality of Minnesota cities selling liquor today.
A hold-over from the Prohibition Era, the 179 Minnesota communities that own and operate on-and off-sale liquor stores do so purportedly “to promote moderation and control in the sale and use of alcoholic beverages.”
Or, in metro cities like Lakeville ($18.3million), Edina, ($12 million) or Eden Prairie ($11.7 million): these communities make a ton of money in annual liquor sales and use those funds to support various city projects and do so by limiting liquor store competition within that city’s limits.
Yet out of the 213 Minnesota communities that operate municipal liquor sales, some still manage to lose money.
According to Minnesota law, 24 municipalities must hold a public hearing after their muni-liquor operations lost money for the second straight year.
You can read the full report from the Minnesota State Auditor’s office and find out how your local muni is doing here.