FFM report on tax migration sparks debate
FFM’s recent report on taxpayers moving out of state has sparked a long-overdue public policy debate regarding the state of Minnesota’s anti-growth tax policies. The report, Minnesota’s Out-Migration Compounds State Budget Woes, shows that out-migration to lower tax states costs Minnesota’s state and local governments millions of tax dollars a year. The report’s findings include:
The report has attracted significant attention from both policymakers and media, including a good Pioneer Press editorial. And we appreciate the response from the many business owners across the state that have contacted us with stories of their own, anecdotal evidence that very much supports the empirical evidence contained in the report. We will continue to work with policymakers at the state and local level to make your voices heard.
FFM event Thursday, March 25: Is Minnesota Transportation Off Track?
Please join FFM Thursday, March 25 as we host Cato Institute Senior Fellow Randal O’Toole for a discussion about our transportation problems in Minnesota. Mr. O’Toole lists a number of policy recommendations on how to end our gridlock, including the suggestion that “the best thing Congress can do is turn over all transportation funding and decision making to the states.” O’Toole is one of the nation’s preeminent transportation policy experts and is the author of Gridlock: Why We’re Stuck in Traffic and What To Do About It.
Date: Thursday, March 25th
Please click here to register for the event, or call Christina at 612-354-2160 with questions.
Pier pressure at DNR In the land of 10,000 lakes, you hear a lot of fish tales. Yet a recent KSTP-TV investigative story into how the state’s biggest public fishing pier came to be built on a small obscure lake in potential violation of DNR regulations with hundreds of thousands of wasted tax dollars is all too true. And FFM’s investigative director Tom Steward played a key role in exposing it. The state’s trophy fishing pier measures more than a tenth of a mile long, easily visible on Google Earth’s satellite photo. But rather than in Duluth, Walker, or Brainerd, it’s hidden away on a small, shallow Todd County lake known chiefly for bluegills. On the surface, everything about DNR’s Dower Lake project seems out of proportion—from its massive cost to taxpayers and hulking size to its enormous environmental footprint. In response to questions from the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, DNR staff acknowledged the supersized pier project essentially went forward under different rules than private developers and the public play by. And did we mention the DNR is in the process of finalizing rules to further limit the size of your private dock? |
Another stimulus shortcoming
When President Obama signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) into law one year ago, he promised that of the “millions” of jobs it would create or save, 90 percent would be in the private sector. |
Learn how you can affect state regulations February 25
On Thursday, February 25 the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) will host a training session on how average citizens can play a role in the process of developing administrative rules. The event will be held at the Embassy Suites in St. Paul. Citizen participation in the regulatory process makes a very real difference. And for anyone who’s concerned about the growth of the regulatory state, or simply wants to guide how it develops in Minnesota, this one-hour breakfast could be an indispensible bit of training.