FFM Accountability Alert: City of Cottonwood gets out of liquor business The people of Cottonwood, Minnesota scored a double victory when the local municipal liquor store was sold by the city to a local businessman last November. The store had lost a total of $63,000 in 2008-2009, forcing taxpayers to subsidize their neighbors’ beer run. Eventually, a business owner bought and renovated the property, turning it into LeRoy’s Food and Spirits. Cottonwood City Manager Greg Isaackson believes that the privatization of the city liquor store will help to offset losses from Local Government Aid (LGA) cuts. Most importantly, taking the business off the city’s books avoids any further risk to taxpayers down the line. Read more about the City of Cottonwood’s decision to get out of the liquor business. |
Fall internships available
The Freedom Foundation of Minnesota is looking for part-time interns for this fall to assist with development and research projects. We can work with applicants who are interested in earning college credit for the internship. Interested applicants should send a resume to FFM Development Director Christina Pajak or call 612-354-2160.
Short Takes FFM is taking part as a stakeholder in a public pension study that the legislature called for in the 2010 session. Ultimately, the study will include analysis of “defined benefit, defined contribution, and other alternative retirement plans for Minnesota public employees.” Few public policy issues are more important or timely, given the budget woes of state and local governments and the unsustainable nature of the current defined benefit system. The report will be provided to the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement by June 1, 2011. ———- Remember to save the date for FFM’s Election Preview with John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. The event will be held the evening of Monday, October 25 at the Double Tree Park Place in St. Louis Park. We’ll begin accepting online registrations for the event next week, with details in the next FFM Bulletin. |