Remember when late night comedians routinely joked about the United States Post Office (USPS)? Major changes in how we communicate have occurred since Jimmy Carter was president and Johnny Carson ruled late night television.
Carson frequently joked about the dismal service at the Post Office. Most notably is the fact that the volume of mail handed by the USPS has plunged in the past few decades, mostly due to the invention of electronic mail. Yet much of the Post Office operates the same as it did in 1976.
Sadly, even when the USPS attempts to better serve the public (moving some of the 141,000 blue collection boxes from low-demand to higher-demand areas, for example) the liberal left in America accuses them of trying to cheat/sway the results in the upcoming election.
There can be no doubt: the USPS is badly in need of reform and modernization. But when someone from the Trump Administration attempts even modest reforms, they are hauled before a Congressional subcommittee and accused of trying to throw the election.
Rather than believing what signer/songwriter Taylor Swift and other conspiracy theorists say about the USPS, you can read an article from The Heritage Foundation and learn the truth about the top 10 myths surrounding the US Postal Service.