Purdue University President Mitch Daniels believes that in order to obtain a degree, graduates of that university should understand the principles of a free society.
His proposal would require that all undergraduate students “take and pass a civics test.”
This initiative is closer to becoming a graduation requirement at Purdue after Daniels submitted a proposal last year to the University Senate. That group has spent the last year determining the size and scope of the graduation requirement and how to best implement it.
Daniels said, “Surveys show people don’t understand the principles of a free society, and if we really want to stay free and govern ourselves, then the citizenry must have a basic understanding of why we do what we do, what their role in it is.”
Perhaps Purdue University graduates will be able to refute those who say that health care and housing are “rights.”
Minnesota State Representative Dean Urdahl has proposed a bill that would enact a high school civics education program.
That’s a very good start.
You can read about it HERE.