Despite what you may read in the New York Times or Washington Post or even from Greta, it appears the Arctic will have ice for a long, long, long time.
Check out this terrific report outlining the hysteria from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and others that have predicted an ice-free Arctic for more than 20 years.
“The world has an unfathomable and mind-boggling amount of ice. Something like one-eighth of all the Earth’s land is covered by it—some of which, like the ice sheets at Greenland and Antarctica, are kilometers thick.
“There’s a strange piece of selection going on in media reporting about the climate, where, because the climate is chaotic and highly volatile, there is always a “record” or “anomaly” observed in some domain, somewhere on the planet. If it’s not the Brazilian forest fires or global deforestation that I have written about before, it’s the disaster we don’t hear about or heat records in Siberia. Somebody, somewhere, has a climate story.”
Read the report in its entirety here.