Two weeks and two vicious attacks on innocent citizens at light rail stops; one in downtown Minneapolis, the other in St. Paul.
- A KSTP-TV anchor was injured in a random and unprovoked assault at a downtown Minneapolis light rail station on Tuesday. Midday anchor Matt Belanger was struck near the eye with a rock or brick, then treated and released at a nearby hospital after the 9 a.m. attack at the Nicollet Mall light rail stop, according to KSTP News Director Kirk Varner… Transit crime has become a pressing issue in recent years, with Metro Transit and state lawmakers pledging to address safety issues at the light rail system’s 37 stations.
- Three teenagers were charged Monday in last week’s attack on a woman at a Green Line light-rail station. The incident, widely circulated on social media, occurred just after midnight May 4 at the Dale Street station in St. Paul. Two youths appear to be goading their friend to attack the woman, who was standing in an enclosure at the transit stop. One of the teens appeared to be taking video of the attack, which involved his friend kicking the woman in the head.
Not sure what it’s going to take to convince Metro Transit officials that it is unsafe to ride or even wait for light rail in the Twin Cities.