HUTCHINSON: City Council to Spend Tax Dollars to Market New Image City council members allotted $7,500 to match the amount earmarked by the Economic Development Authority (EDA) to market Hutchinson to businesses. After attending a recent seminar, the Hutchinson EDA director recommended a greater role in social media to counter the negative p.r. about recent job losses in Hutchinson that crops up in internet searches.
AUSTIN: City Council to Consider Controversial GreenSteps Agenda City staff are embracing the GreenSteps Cities environmentalist program approved recently by appointing a sustainability task force. The program requires the city to consider factors to reduce Austin’s so-called “carbon footprint” in building and other projects.
MARSHALL: School Board Learns Technology Costs Big Bucks School board members got sticker shock during an update on the latest technology in classrooms. With a $155,000 budget deficit, it may be awhile before the board goes ahead with a serious upgrade. Going all wireless could cost $500,000 according to estimates.
DULUTH: Duluth Scores Cameo in New Steve Martin Movie Sure it’s a bit part but the new movie “The Big Year” includes a scene set in Duluth if not exactly shot in Duluth. But it’s free advertising for the city in a Hollywood production starring Steve Martin and Jack Black.
FERGUS FALLS: City Speeds up Sale of Regional Treatment Center Land Potential developers are already lining up to bid on the regional treatment center property up for grabs. So the city council responded by fast-tracking the process for bidding. Asking price: $50,0000.