SWANVILLE: Fore! City May Tee Up Golf Cart Ordinance The city council took a swing at discussing permits for alternative vehicles on city streets, including golf carts. It seems increasingly residents rely on golf carts for transportation both on and off the links. The issue was tabled for now even though the state is encouraging communities to tighten up regulation on such vehicles.
INTERNATIONAL FALLS: Now Voyageurs National Park has Fire Issues Another forest fire has been smoldering in the northern Minnesota wilderness. Not the BWCA blaze that’s now under control, but a much smaller 300 acre fire near Namakan Lake. National Park officials expect the fire to be extinguished with the onset of cold weather and snow.
MILACA: Work Wraps up on Legacy Funded Kiosks A kiosk paid for with legacy funds has been installed in Trimble Park. It will feature information on local trails and events. A city councilman applied for the legacy funding, the second kiosk installed in the city courtesy of the statewide tax funds.
WABASHA: County Board Reconsiders Reassigning County Administrator County commissioners stepped back from ending County Administrator Dave Johnson’s contract due to financial considerations. One county commissioner said the issue went up like an atomic bomb before a full crowd in the boardroom. Now a committee will examine the financial impact of any decision before moving ahead or not.
OAK PARK HEIGHTS: Lobbyists Lobby Local Officials to Back St. Croix Bridge Lobbyists working to drum up support for the new St. Croix bridge warned local officials that time is running short for funding the project. At a presentation at a forum sponsored by the Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce, bridge proponents said $160 million in federal funding and much more in state funding may be redirected if local approvals are not in place by the end of the year.