ST. CLOUD– “Survival budgeting” as city holds line on jobs and purchases
In its fourth year of a hiring and wage freeze and limited spending, the city of St. Cloud is feeling the effects of a tight budget.
HIBBING– Two iron range post offices on closure list
Two Iron Range post offices are on a list of retail offices the U.S. Postal Services (USPS) announced Tuesday it is reviewing for possible closure.
CARLTON COUNTY- Local schools and cities say budget deal could have been worse
When state legislative leaders and Governor Mark Dayton last week bridged part of a $1.4 billion gap in a budget compromise by delaying payments to schools, they essentially borrowed the missing money from the state’s school districts.
FARMINGTON- School board member wants district to pay legal fees in dropped investigation
Farmington School Board Member Tim Burke will seek approximately $5,000 from the Farmington School District to reimburse legal fees he incurred defending himself against a criminal investigation that was dropped for insufficient evidence.
GRANITE FALLS- Local cities and county see state aid reductions
Reductions in state aid and Market Value Credit (MVC) typically result in increases to property taxes as cities and counties look to offset reductions in finances without an excessive drawdown of reserves or cuts to services.