CLOQUET: Carlton County Daycare Providers Fight Off Union One hundred percent of day care providers in northeastern Minnesota county oppose the effort to unionize their businesses. So why are they still so worried?
WORTHINGTON: Sheriff’s Department Gets in Gear with Pickup Patrols Nobles County deputies are increasingly driving squad pickup trucks instead of squad cars. There are now three pickup in the county fleet to go with the five traditional squad cars and SUV.
ALEXANDRIA: A Moldy Moneypit? County to Remodel not Rebuild Law Enforcement Center The 1930 LEC building needs extensive remodeling due to mold and other issues. County commissioners vote to conserve the building and some $3 million rather than starting from scratch.
MANTORVILLE: City Refinance of Bonds to Save Taxpayers Nearly $100,000 Other cities may want to take a page from Mantorville’s ledger. City officials say the council’s decision to reissue bonds for two past projects will pay off because of lower interest rates.
HUBBARD COUNTY: Corrections Costs Big Ticket Item in 2012 County Budget An expected $100,000 decline in boarding prisoners leads to talk of importing California inmates. “They’ll send you their Charles Mansons, they won’t export their good ones,” warns the sheriff.