MPR picked up a statement by FFM CEO Annette Meeks regarding her leave of absence from the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota. The full story can be viewed here or read below.
Meeks to take a leave of absence from Freedom Foundation
Annette Meeks, the GOP endorsed candidate for Lt. Governor, announced today that she’s taking a leave of absence from the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota.
The statement was released seven hours after the Independence Party suggested that a Freedom Foundation fundraising letter had political undertones (You can read the letterhere).
Meeks released this statement through Tom Emmer’s campaign for governor:
“Much of my life has changed since April 27th, the day I enthusiastically joined Tom Emmer as his running mate.
Since that day I have: resigned as chair of the Transportation Committee of the Metropolitan Council; resigned as chair of the Metropolitan Transitways Advisory Committee; resigned as a Metropolitan Council representative to the Metropolitan Airports Commission; and, resigned as a Metropolitan Council representative to the GEARS Subcommittee of the Transit Improvement Program committee.
Furthermore, since April 27th I no longer do weekly political television commentary on KSTP-TV nor do I have a radio show on WFMP.
At the June 7th Board of Directors meeting of the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, they accepted my request for an unpaid leave of absence as CEO. This leave of absence becomes effective June 16th, 2010 and will be in effect through the duration of this campaign. The leave of absence covers my responsibilities as CEO as well as a member of the board of directors.
I had hoped to be able to leave my day-to-day responsibilities at the Freedom Foundation on Tuesday, May 25th (the day we officially filed for office). However, my plans were delayed due to my absence from the office late last month while attending to family matters and the recent death of my father in southern Illinois.
Beginning next Wednesday I sincerely look forward to an honest debate about Minnesota’s future as I hit the campaign trail on a fulltime basis.”