What This City Needs is a Poet Laureate?!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
We think Minneapolis should prioritize public safety and lower taxes
Don’t you?
Minneapolis city officials recently announced they are seeking a first-ever City of Minneapolis Poet Laureatesearch. Once hired, the “City of Minneapolis Poet Laureate will be an official ambassador of the city’s literary culture, connecting our community through the art of poetry.”
The Poet Laureate will receive $32,000 a year as well as be eligible for a $50,000 fellowship.
While the financial obligation of this newly created city position is minimal, the real issue is where the city’s elected officials focus is.
Minnesota’s biggest city is (mis)governed by a city council that cannot agree where to rebuild (or if they will rebuild) the city’s 3rd Police Precinct building.
While innocent citizens are still victims of violent carjackings and other crimes, the city police force is facing historically low levels of staff: from 892 sworn officers in 2018 to 585 in May – a 34% reduction. The city is losing police officers faster than they can hire them.
So while the city struggles to regain its footing, Minneapolitans will have original poetry to enjoy.
Read more here.