Legislative Auditor Study: Local government units should consider consolidation A report released Wednesday by the Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) noted that the more than 2700 local units of government may want to take another look into combining services as a cost saving measure for taxpayers. Though consolidation is rare for local units …
Minnesota cities may be broke in five years, study says: League seeks suggestions for city
FFM was featured in a Pioneer Press story on a recent report conducted by the Humphrey Institute for the League of Minnesota Cities. The report concluded that Minnesota cities would be broke in five years if big changes aren't made to city services, leading FFM's Jonathan Blake to say the following: Exerpt: Jonathan Blake, vice president of the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, a nonprofit …
Counties Call 911 for Budget Savings
Number of 911 call centers could be reduced by one third or more When there’s an emergency, you call 911, and that’s exactly what 37 Minnesota counties are exploring in what could be a template for how local government can consolidate services and save money, while providing critical services. From northeastern Cook County to southeastern Houston County to Lac Qui Parle County on the South …