City of Ramsey throws good money after bad Since its inception, the Ramsey Town Center “economic development” project has been a spectacle for all the wrong reasons. During the life of the project, the RTC has faced a defaulted loan due to mismanaged funds, three indictments of bankers involved in the project, bankruptcy, and foreclosure. …
Green Energy
Dept. of Energy’s Cathy Zoi: Still Flouting the Law, Still Stonewalling the Investigation
Pajamas Media featured FFM research in their ongoing investigation of a potential conflict of interest between the Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Cathy Zoi and her husband Robin Roy, an executive for "green window" company Serious Materials. Excerpt: The Freedom Foundation of Minnesota has also kindly directed me to Zoi’s direct advocacy supporting one of these …
FFM Bulletin 6/16/10
Statement from FFM CEO Annette Meeks On Tuesday, June 15, 2010, Annette Meeks, CEO of the Freedom Foundation, released the following statement: “Much of my life has changed since April 27 when it was announced that I was selected as a candidate for Lt. Governor. While this is a tremendous honor, I realize that the essential work of the Freedom …