FFM Video: Minnesota's own ACORN Whistleblower In a new video produced by the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, you'll meet Karen Inman, Minnesota's own ACORN whistleblower. Inman was fired from ACORN's national board of directors for blowing the whistle on the corrupt organization in 2008, more than a year before the BigGovernment.com video expose prompted Congress to defund the discredited …
Health Care Reform
New Study Concludes Minnesota Taxpayers and Economy Pay Steep Price for Washington’s Healt
Wrong Medicine: FFM releases report showing “reforms” would cost $4,412 for every Minnesotan MINNEAPOLIS, MN—Minnesotans would pay a steep price of more than $4,400 for every man, woman and child for the health care proposals currently on the table in Washington, according to a new analysis released today by the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota. “While our health care system is in need of reform, …
FFM Bulletin 8/25/09
From GoMoorhead to NoMoorhead From day one, the City of Moorhead's taxpayer-funded broadband network "GoMoorhead" has been a disaster. GoMoorhead was introduced in 2005 as a government-run alternative to private telecom companies, but was immediately plagued by serious technical problems and a lack of public interest. The city projected it would have 4,000 customers by 2006; as of late 2008, they …