All not aboard for Rochester “Zip Rail” Olmsted County taxpayers are now on the hook for a $15 million “high speed rail” bonding request and could be on the line for much, much more in the near future. County officials voted Tuesday to approve a $2 million state grant agreement and submit a $15 million bonding request in …
Rochester Post Bulletin: Conservative think tank labels Zip Rail a "future boondoggle"
An article from our latest e-update was picked up by the Rochester Post Bulletin after referring to the Rochester "Zip Rail" project, a Rochester-Twin Cities rail line, a "future boondoggle." From the A conservative think tank is targeting Olmsted County's Zip Rail proposal calling it a "future boondoggle." The Freedom Foundation of Minnesota went after the project in …
FFM Bulletin 6/23/10
The public library, coming soon to a parking lot near you The city of Rochester is currently searching to fill “an advanced paraprofessional public service position with major responsibility…for a complex set of tasks, which requires exercise of individual judgment, using skills and knowledge gained through …