As reported in the Washington Examiner and featured on the Drudge Report, Acting Undersecretary of Energy Cathy Zoi has been hired to run the latest George Soros funded “energy investment fund.” FFM was featured in the article for exposing the serious conflict of interest between the Obama Administration and a small window company for which Ms. Zoi’s husband was an executive.
Zoi was Barack Obama’s “Acting Under Secretary for Energy and Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.” An Al Gore acolyte, Zoi was Obama’s point-woman on subsidizing green tech. Now she’s going to work for George Soros to profit off of subsidized green tech.
Click here to read more at the Washington Examiner.
For past research on the apparent cronyism in the Obama Administration, here’s John Stossel’s story and interview with FFM.
And remember to check out FFM’s investigative video, The Obama Administration’s “Serious” Conflict of Interest.